Square couple from Orlando call the police after Amazon ships them an estimated 80k!

OG Article

ORLANDO, Fla. — Police investigations are underway after a Florida couple found 65 pounds of marijuana in their Amazon order.

“We love Amazon and do a lot of shopping on Amazon,” the customer, who has asked not to be identified, told WFTV.

The customer and her fiancé ordered 27 gallon storage containers, so they could put some items away in storage. They told WFTV the containers were immediately heavier than they thought they should be.

When the couple opened the containers, they were immediately hit with the marijuana’s strong odor.

Police seized the order and launched an ongoing investigation. No arrests have been made.

The couple said they feared for their safety following the shipment, but Amazon customer service offered no support.

Amazon has issued a statement saying it worked with the customers to ensure their safety and will assist law enforcement investigating the case.


OK, so maybe they didn’t actually have the money shipped to them but a drug lord upcoming supply….and they feared for their lives. Which makes kinda sense, since every time that happens in a movie the people do end up getting killed. But they’re clearly very worried nat and maybe should move…I mean they could have flipped that for 65k real fast. That could have gone into their new house in whogivesafuck, Washington (clearly need to go to the opposite of the country).

What would you have done? Smoked it all? Run off to the Caribbean? Just play dumb if Amazon ever asked? Is Amazon in the drug selling business? Are they just a cover?

Idk but I feel like whoever was the seller is the one who really needs to worry. Unless it was their own stash then they took the saying never get high on your own supply, to serious.

Which leaves me to believe maybe Amazon this whole time while trying to take over the world was just a drug front for the owner to funnel his money…Every big Mafia boss was on the books on some waste management or construction company. It is 2017 they’re moving with the times and the internet is where it’s at. Screw the dark web, we have Amazon slinging bud now. Ok maybe not but we can dream of some crazy shit. Or at least it could be the basis for Pineapple Express 2….or some shit. Hopefully more develops in this story and it was meant for Disney world or some shit.


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